It is time to return some of the good old N.I.M.Articles to the current N.I.M. INTERNATIONALPolitical Lobby site, at .
We can move on, NOW that all FALSE LABLES, and FALSE ACCUSATIONS concerning N.I.M. International Political Lobby, {N.I.M. National Independents Movement}, have been recently removed, due to exposing FAKERepublicanRINOS, with Left-Wing Liberal Democrats who thrive off, on placing FALSE Labels, with FALSE ACCUSATIONS, which they enjoyed placing upon countless victims of their WRONGFUL EXAGGERATIONS.
Now that WRONGFUL FALSE STATEMENTS have been exposed, which had the WRONGFUL Goal of personal gain, at the WRONGFUL EXPENSE of all intended Victims, through FALSE SLANDER, it is time to move forward, by returning the publishment of good old N.I.M. Articles.
CHARLIE CHAPLIN, born during April, 1889, in England, became a celebrated Silent Movie Star, until Silent Motion Pictures, lost public interest following 1927, when Sound Talking Films, became the desired form of entertainment by the VAST public. Countless Silent Movie Stars lost their Careers following 1927, because their talents could NOT transfer into the Sound Talking Film Industry.
CHARLIE CHAPLIN, in 1940, in an attempt to enter the Sound Talking Film Industry, with his Silent Film Career DESTROYED by Sound Talking Motion Picture Movie Film technology, following 1927, due to public demand for the most modern quality entertainment, starred in the THE GREAT DICTATOR, which became CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S Most famous Sound Talking Film, following 1940.
In THE GREAT DICTATOR, CHARLIE CHAPLIN demonstrates: "too large of a government, is bad for all populations, because too large of a government DESTROYS individual Freedoms."
This is a very interesting N.I.M. INTERNATIONALArticle, concerning Charlie Chaplin, which WE are proud to return to , soon.
Using documented Sources, N.I.M. INTERNATIONAL 'Compares AND Contrasts,' the character Charlie Chaplin portrayed in the 1940 Film called THE GREAT DICTATOR, which is implied to be the Austrian Born, World War Two, German Dictator, named: ADOLF HITLER.
=> Both Adolf Hitler and Charlie Chaplin were born during the same month and year: April, 1889.
=>Charlie Chaplin grew up within a world of HIGH POVERTY within the streets of London, England.
=>Adolf Hitler, losing his father at a young age, grew up in HIGH POVERTY within the streets of Austria and Southern Germany.
=>Charlie Chaplin was Rejected for service in the British Military During World War One: 1914 - 1918, due to poor health.
=>Adolf Hitler was a Soldier, in the Bavarian Army, a German State which was Allied to Germany, during World War One: 1914 - 1918.
=>Charlie Chaplin, in spite of being Rejected for Military Service by the British Army During World War One, remained loyal to the British during World War One.
=>Adolf Hitler, an original Austrian Citizen by birth, just prior to the start of World War One, was listed as a deserter, by the Austrian Army, for failing to answer to a legal manditory military draft service notice, where which, Austria was an ally of Germany during World War One.
===> When Adolf Hitler joined the Bavarian Army, during the start of World War One, within the year 1914, it was in a "ArmyReserveUnit," of the Bavarian State, NOT the "Full-Time Regular Army" of Bavaria, which was also allied to Germany, during World War One.
=> It is perceived, Charlie Chaplin, applied for military service in the Full-Time RegularBritish Army, during World War One, ONLY !!
===> During the start of World War One, in 1914, service in the FULL-TIME REGULAR ARMY, within the British Army, to include all nations allied to Germany, was being on the same as, " being on the First String, of the Base Ball Team," and/or, being in the "MAJOR LEAGUES, OF THE FOOT BALL TEAM," where as, being in the Army Reserve, was equal to being in the "MINOR LEAGUES."
=> Throughout the Political Career of Adolf Hitler, 1919 - 1945, ADOLF HITLER PROUDLY displayed his IRON CROSS Medal on his jacket, which was awarded to Adolf Hitler, during World War One, through the DIRECT RECOMENDATION from a GERMAN-JEWISH Bavarian Army Officer.
=>ADOLF HITLER became famous, for the most part, due to the NEW Technology of Sound Talking Motion Pictures, Sound Recordings, and Radio.
=>CHARLIE CHAPLIN was Famous Mostly due to Silent Motion Pictures.
=> BOTH Adolf Hitler and Charlie Chaplin looked very similar.
In any event, the bottom line is, as demonstrated by Charlie Chaplin, in the 1940 Sound Talking Film called THE GREAT DICTATOR, "TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT CONTROL, over individual lives Destroys Individual Freedoms."
The Return of this N.I.M. INTERNATIONALArticle Concerning Charlie Chaplin, should prove to be very interesting, for futher online N.I.M. Message Board discussions.
-- Edited by NIM INTERNATIONAL on Sunday 27th of March 2011 08:01:23 PM